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Getting Started


Enqueueror is available from the official WordPress Plugin Repository as a free plugin. You may search, install and activate it from within your WordPress installation or download, upload and activate it from the plugin repository.

Required Directories

Enqueueror takes into account CSS & JavaScript assets located under two special directories in the active theme's directory. The directories should be created by the developer:

Directory PathUsage
/wp-content/themes/<active_theme_directory>/stylesheetsContains CSS assets
/wp-content/themes/<active_theme_directory>/scriptsContains JavaScript assets


  • The aforementioned directory paths are relative to the WordPress installation directory.
  • The <active_theme_directory> part of the directory path maps to the name of the active theme's directory. Both parent and child themes are supported.

Quick-Start Examples


The following examples require that the scripts and stylesheets directories have been created.

Load a CSS file "globally", that is, irrespectively of the requested content

  • Create an appropriately named "global" CSS file:


  • Fill it with the following code:
/* This CSS rule will be applied everywhere in the client-facing part of the website */
body {
    background-color: blue
  • Navigate to any page of your WordPress website and the background should be blue.

Load a CSS file when a page with slug home is requested

  • Create a page setting home as its slug.
  • Create an appropriately named CSS file:


  • Fill it with the following code:
/* This style will be applied only when viewing the page with slug "home" */
body {
    letter-spacing: 2px;
  • Navigate to the created page and its text should have increased space among the letters.


The CSS rules shown in the examples may not produce the desired result. It depends on your theme and any other CSS applied on your website.

Load a JavaScript file only when a post is requested

  • Create a post if you don't already have one.
  • Create an appropriately named JavaScript file:


  • Fill it with the following code:
// This message should appear in the browser console
console.log('I am loaded by Enqueueror for every post');
  • Navigate to any post in your WordPress website and the message should appear in your browser's console.

Load a JavaScript file only when a specific post is requested

  • Create a post if you don't already have one and write down its unique ID.
  • Create an appropriately named JavaScript file replacing <id> with the ID of the post:


  • Fill it with the following code:
// This message should appear in the browser console
console.log('I was loaded by Enqueueror for this post only');
  • Navigate to this post in your WordPress website and the message should appear in your browser's console.